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CLEAN Confidence COMFORT is the daily High-Fibre food supplement that promotes bowel regularity, cleanliness and personal hygiene. It also promotes overall digestive health and well-being with maximum soothing agents. Our natural ingredients, allow clean bulk transit through the digestive system whilst promoting comfort. Our unique formula also promotes a healthy digestive system.

CLEAN Confidence COMFORT comes in a discreet minimalist black pot just 10.7cm x 5cm. It is perfect for discreet storage and traveling.

Gone. Period Pains – Our Key Ingredients

About a year after we launched CLEAN Confidence ORIGINAL, we wanted to find out more about how and why our customers were using the product. We thus did a survey with three simple questions, wanted to know: 1. Age, 2. Gender, 3. Reason for buying CLEAN Confidence  ORIGINAL.

Once we had received all of the responses and analysed the results, we found that almost all of our female customers between the ages of 18 and 48 (35% of our customer base) were buying our product for the health benefit of dealing with Period Pain and Bloating.

We thus decided to come up with a new product which which had the benefits of the original but was now infused with ingredients focused on maximum soothing to deal with intestinal discomfort.

Natural Ingredients including Psyllium Husk, Fennel, Konjac Root, Black Pepper.

Green Tea Improves Intestinal Environment and functionality.

Turmeric Root Contributes to digestive comfort.

Full Ingredients List: Turmeric Root, Calcium, Green Tea, Fennel Seed, Inulin, Konjac Root, Psyllium Husk, Glutamine, L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, BioPerine, Black Pepper, Zinc Oxide.

Produits déjà achetés avec CLEAN CONFIDENCE COMFORT